Thursday, 29 May 2014

Short Drama Diary Entry (3).

Almost everything for my pre-production work is now done. Actors have their scripts, the location is hired out, the equipment is booked. All that's left to do is to rehearse to make sure that the actors know what they're doing on the day so that hopefully we'll be able to get it done quickly but professionally.

I've budgeted my film, sorted out contracts for the locations and actors, worked out what shots will be filmed, in what order and where so that when we get there on the day we'll know exactly what we are doing. A shooting schedule has been done, I've planned for my soundtrack, and I also have props sorted out for filming on the day. 

My actors work well with me and each other, which I think is extremely important, and we're all very excited to film on Saturday the 31st. I've arranged transport for them all, and paid the cost for them to actually get into the bunker, so they don't have to worry about any of that. They just need to bring food/drink or money to buy some on the day, which I've already told them about.

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